(903) 473-2465 Mon-Thurs: 8:00am-4:30pm

329 N. Texas St. P.O. Box 100 Emory, TX 75440

It’s that wonderful time of year to start planning for the City of Emory’s Annual Christmas Parade on December 7th at 7pm. This year we are encouraging all businesses, churches, non-profit organizations, school clubs, sports teams, community leaders, and individuals who have the Christmas spirit to participate in the parade by entering a customized float. Our vision is to bring harmony and Christmas cheer to our community through our parade. Please consider this request and join us for an incredible opportunity.

Parade Details: Leah Drown & Elizabeth Davis

Leah@emorytx.com Elizabeth@emorytx.com

903-473-2465 ext 106

Christmas Around the Square Details: Heather Rollins- hrollins411@gmail.com 903-474-1919